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Magnum and Kubernetes

Kubernetes clusters are deployed in OpenStack using Magnum, a container orchestration engine service.

In this guide, you will learn how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster using Horizon. The process this guide outlines is to first deploy the cluster, confirm the creation of the cluster, and finally demonstrate working with the Kubernetes cluster.

Get started by looking over the prerequisites required before the cluster can be created.

Magnum Heat Template Update

Kubernetes clusters will not deploy with our current Magnum Heat template. The template will need to be updated to address this. This is because we specify overlay as the Docker Storage driver, however overlay2 should be used, which is recommended from Docker. OpenStack Heat does not support overlay2 as a valid option, but Magnum does.

To correct this, in Horizon navigate to Project -> Container Infra -> Cluster Templates, find the appropriate template, and adjust the value of Docker Storage Driver to overlay2.

Magnum Cluster template list Update Cluster form

Kubernetes OpenStack Cloud Provider Integrations

In our Private Cloud Core platform, Magnum integrates with the Kubernetes OpenStack Cloud Provider. Presently, release-1.18 is used.

The following from the Kubernetes OpenStack Cloud Provider have been integrated:

Additionally, see Setting up HTTP Load Balancing with Ingress as a demonstration of setting up HTTP load balancing using Kubernetes and OpenStack.

Before Deploying Kubernetes

Project Roles

To create a Kubernetes cluster, you must either be the admin user, own the current project, or your user must have the "Load Balancer Admin" role.

Note -- The "Load Balancer Admin" role appears as load-balancer_admin in Horizon.

This guide uses the user admin and is working out of the default admin project.

Project Quotas

The project in which you are working needs to have enough resources available to it.

For example, spinning up a cluster with three masters and three workers using the m1.small flavor requires the following resources:

  • 6 Instances
  • 6 VCPUs
  • 24GB RAM
  • 150GB Volume space
  • 1 Network
  • 1 Router

To see current project quotas, navigate in Horizon to Project -> Compute -> Overview.

To adjust project quotas, as a user with the admin role, navigate in Horizon to Identity -> Projects, find the project in the list, and from the drop down on the right, choose Modify Quotas.

You can also set quotas to -1 to allow unlimited of a resource type.

In this guide, the project's quotas are set to:

  • Instances: -1
  • VCPUs: -1
  • RAM: -1
  • Volumes: -1


This guide assumes OpenStackClient has been installed and pointed to the appropriate project. For information on how to install OpenStackClient, see How to Install and Use OpenStack's CLI.

To confirm the cluster status using the command line, OpenStackClient requires the Python package python-magnumclient.

Install this package using:

pip install python-magnumclient


Create Kubernetes Cluster

To create a Kubernetes cluster, navigate in Horizon to Project -> Container Infra -> Clusters, and follow the Create Cluster link.


Fill the form sections out as outlined in the following steps.

Step 1 -- Details


Fill out the following fields:

  • Cluster Name -- kubernetes-demo
  • Cluster Template -- kubernetes-v1.18.2
  • Keypair -- Your SSH key

Step 2 -- Size


Fill out the following fields:

  • Number of Master Nodes: 3
  • Flavor of Master Nodes: m1.small
  • Number of Worker Nodes: 3
  • Flavor of Worker Nodes: m1.small

Step 3 -- Network


Fill out the following fields:

  • Enable Load Balancer for Master Nodes: Ensure this is checked
  • Create New Network: Ensure this is checked
  • Cluster API: Ensure "Accessible on private network only" is selected

Step 4 -- Create Cluster

You can now create the Kubernetes cluster. Allow 10 - 15 minutes for cluster creation.

Once the form is submitted, you will be taken back to the cluster list where you will see the cluster being created with Status, CREATE_IN_PROGRESS:


Check Status of the Kubernetes Cluster

This section explains how to check the status the Kubernetes cluster using OpenStackClient.

Prepare OpenStackClient

Before beginning, ensure OpenStackClient is installed and pointed to the appropriate project.

Install python-magnumclient

Next install Magnum's CLI, python-magnumclient using pip:

pip install python-magnumclient

List Heat Stacks

Next, you will need to list the Heat stacks. This output includes the Kubernetes stack created previously.

List Heat stacks using openstack stack list:

$ openstack stack list
| ID | Stack Name | Stack Status | Creation Time | Updated Time |
| 545b100b-ba3c-4366-9d68-eca7b1df98b6 | kubernetes-demo-ojlnzq4w252q | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z | None |

You should see the stack created previously appended with random characters. In this example, the stack is named kubernetes-demo-ojlnzq4w252q. Take note of the name as it will be used in the next section.

OpenStack uses Heat for template-based orchestration.

Check deployment status

To check the status of the deployment, use openstack stack resourcelist <stack-name>, where <stack-name> is the name of the stack.

Check status of stack kubernetes-demo-ojlnzq4w252q:

$ openstack stack resource list kubernetes-demo-ojlnzq4w252q
| resource_name | physical_resource_id | resource_type | resource_status | updated_time |
| kube_cluster_deploy | | OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment | INIT_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| kube_cluster_config | | OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig | INIT_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| secgroup_rule_tcp_kube_minion | 4a76ee7a-dde2-4190-9ccf-6a144d7d42a4 | OS::Neutron::SecurityGroupRule | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| api_address_floating_switch | | Magnum::FloatingIPAddressSwitcher | INIT_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| kube_minions | | OS::Heat::ResourceGroup | INIT_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| etcd_address_lb_switch | | Magnum::ApiGatewaySwitcher | INIT_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| api_address_lb_switch | | Magnum::ApiGatewaySwitcher | INIT_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| kube_masters | 2f5b992c-c15e-4650-95e4-c7348efc7f7e | OS::Heat::ResourceGroup | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| etcd_lb | 3a8df57f-2f43-4af1-9248-bd886c392344 | file:///usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/magnum/drivers/common/templates/lb_etcd.yaml | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| api_lb | 2455a996-b772-4664-b99e-c7a67ca9285b | file:///usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/magnum/drivers/common/templates/lb_api.yaml | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| network | 90947279-ec72-4ed6-9e62-6e5501e0bd1d | file:///usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/magnum/drivers/common/templates/network.yaml | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| worker_nodes_server_group | d135f907-5e8e-4a2c-b3fd-397418837d8d | OS::Nova::ServerGroup | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| secgroup_rule_udp_kube_minion | c0892f17-4d46-403b-9cf9-6e89d95bc0f1 | OS::Neutron::SecurityGroupRule | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| secgroup_kube_minion | 8d130ac5-c356-43d9-bdcb-a7b779610638 | OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| secgroup_kube_master | 6e52a531-762a-4f29-b85f-c149c5b461f1 | OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |
| master_nodes_server_group | f2235409-575e-4fb8-b3b8-cde0fc1ed9da | OS::Nova::ServerGroup | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2021-06-14T21:19:35Z |

Once the column resource_status reflects CREATE_COMPLETE for all items, the Kubernetes deployment is done.

It will take around 10 to 15 minutes for everything to finish deploying.

Kubernetes deployed by Magnum is handled by a series of Heat stacks.

Note! You cannot move on with this guide if the deployment is not completely finished.

Test Kubernetes Cluster

Once the deployment is complete, you can test the Kubernetes cluster. This section briefly explains how to do this.

The following steps are all run in a local development, or testing, environment and assumes OpenStackClient is installed and pointed to the appropriate project.

  1. Obtain a copy of kubectl and make it executable:

    curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
    chmod +x kubectl
  2. Create testing directory:

    mkdir k8s-test
  3. Obtain cluster configuration:

    openstack coe cluster config --dir k8s-test kubernetes-demo
  4. Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable by executing the output of the previous step:

    export KUBECONFIG=/home/<user>/k8s-test/config
  5. Interact with the cluster using ./kubectl get svc -A.

For example:

$ ./kubectl get svc -A
default kubernetes ClusterIP
<none> 443/TCP 115m
kube-system csi-cinder-controller-service ClusterIP
<none> 12345/TCP 114m
kube-system kube-dns ClusterIP
<none> 53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP 115m

How to Resize a Kubernetes Cluster's Node Count

At present, there is an issue with resizing a Kubernetes cluster's node count using Horizon. To perform this task, you must perform the action over SSH using OpenStackClient.

Resize Prerequisites

Before preparing OpenStackClient, ensure a user with the admin role is associated with the project under which the Kubernetes cluster exists. Next, download the OpenStack RC file for the appropriate project and user. Finally, source this file to prepare your local shell.

This guide assumes OpenStackClient has been installed and pointed to the appropriate project. For information on how to install OpenStackClient, see How to Install and Use OpenStack's CLI.

In addition, python-magnumclient needs to be installed to work with the Kubernetes cluster. This can be installed using pip install python-magnumclient.

Once the environment is prepared, you can issue the command to resize the cluster.

Resize Procedure

To resize the cluster, you need to first list all clusters to get the UUID.

For example:

openstack coe cluster list

From the above output, copy the cluster's UUID.

To resize a cluster to 3 nodes for example, use the following command, where <cluster-uuid> should be replaced with the actual UUID:

openstack coe cluster resize <cluster-uuid> 3


This section will be filled as common failure scenarios and solutions are collected. For general troubleshooting see the Magnum Troubleshooting Guide from OpenStack's documentation.