Considering a shift away from Google Cloud Platform (GCP)? While GCP is undeniably a major player in the cloud computing scene, the market is brimming with alternative solutions that might offer better value for your investment. With the increasing availability of cost-effective options, you might be questioning whether GCP aligns seamlessly with your current needs.

Ready to explore the advantages of on-premise clouds alongside Todd Robinson, the President of OpenMetal? Under his guidance, delve into the details and acquire valuable insights on establishing your very own on-premise cloud. This information will empower you to seamlessly transfer workloads away from AWS with ease.

What is Hyper Converged?

“Hyper-converged” is a strategy for running services. Traditionally we would instinctively separate our concerns into separate groups of Storage, Compute, or another classification to keep each layer separated for the

OpenStack or Kubernetes

When considering a cloud deployment, the choice of cloud architecture is critical for the success of your project. OpenStack and Kubernetes are popular choices for cloud applications, but which technology

Intro to cloud-init

Cloud-init is an industry standard method for Linux cloud instance initialization. Cloud-init has support across all major Linux distributions, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. It is also supported across all major